Anna Bartoli - 331 4900730
Elena Parmiggiani - 348 2818219

NOCINO: ricetta del nonno Mirco

N° 20 noci (raccolte il 24/06), notte di luna piena [scrive mio padre in una nota] ;))

lt. 1 Alcool 95%

1/5 kg. di zucchero

Acqua 300 grammi

N5 chiodi di garofano interi

1/2 stecca di cannella

1/2 scorza di limone

5 o 6 grani di caffè

Infusione (al sole) 50 giorni

E aggiungo: scuotere i vasi lasciati al sole ogni giorno, filtrare al 51° giorno e far bollire l'acqua e lo zucchero, far raffreddare emescolare insieme all'alcool, imbottigliare e attendere un paio di mesi (ma più invecchia, anche anni, meglio è)



Nocino liquor          

Nocino in the family is made like this:

    • 20 green walnuts collected the 24 of june (It's San Giovanni and we harvest a lot of medicinal stuff that day)

    • 1/2 cinnamon stick
  • 5 whole cloves
  • 5 coffe beans or 1 teaspon of coffe powder

  • Zest of 1/2 a lemon
  • 1 liter 95° alcohol

all the above ingredients mixed, 50 days infusion in alcohol under the sun, in glass jars. agitate the jars every day.

for the syrup

1/5 kg sugar

300g water

after 50 days (and only after 50 days :D) we boil water with sugar to have thick syrup, we let it cool down. we strain and filter the infusion and we mix it with the syrup. we bottle this nocina and we try to forget it for a while :D

Mamma adores it, and we make only 12 bottles a year with the walnuts from our tree which has got my age.